« Propriété Marro » private garden

Testimonial from Mr and Mrs Spinetta, owners

Propriété Marro

« The Marro garden dates back to 1928. Formerly a market garden, it has evolved naturally over time while continuing to foster traditional methods, in keeping with its authentic origins.
We wanted to share this century-old heritage with as many people as possible.
We started by implementing the PACA region quality label Engagement Qualité PACA as a first step towards obtaining the Qualité Tourisme label. We followed the training with much interest and enthusiasm. It helped us to improve our visitor reception approach and implement the necessary developments to optimise guided visits.
After the various audits, we are delighted and proud to have obtained the Qualité Tourisme label, a reward for the great work that has been put in to preserve this heritage over several generations.
We believe the Qualité Tourisme label gives the garden a stronger, more confident and reputable standing in relation to the competition. It also enhances its credibility with the media and is a guarantee of a certain cachet and stature that will convince customers it is a place worth visiting.»


Edited on 19/09/2023
