Limousin aquarium

Testimonial from David BRANTHOME, manager

David BRANTHOME« We had wanted to adopt the approach for the Qualité Tourism label for some time as we had seen a need to embrace a new vision of our establishment and the way we received customers. This was difficult to implement as part of our day-to-day tasks. From this perspective, the questionnaire required as part of the approach is very useful: it is complex but thorough and can be completed at any point at which we want to immediately reposition our reception methods. The same goes for the Audit. As it is anonymous, we can identify rapidly whether our performance is good or bad! It’s simple but effective! Thanks to this work, we understand the benefits of guiding our visitors as soon as they arrive and providing them with a map of the aquarium: we were not aware that people sometimes lost their way around the aquarium. With this document, visitors can plan their visit more effectively as they have more information on what is involved and the time required.»

Edited on 20/09/2023


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