«Galeries Lafayette» store in Nice-Masséna

Testimonial from Jacques SISO, Store manager of the Galeries Lafayette in Nice-Masséna.

Jacques SISO
Galeries Lafayette

Our Nice store has significant foreign customer footfall and, since 2008, it has had an international marketing department that works to best meet the needs of the département’s tourist clientele as well as with the market’s main players. We were looking to enhance the measures taken for tourists and to continue to promote both tourism and shopping.

Qualité Tourisme certification had been available in many sectors such as hotels, museums, restaurants and in some businesses. But, at the time, it had not been awarded to any store in France. In recent years, tourism and shopping have become deeply intertwined. It was therefore high time that the certification was extended to cover stores which also make considerable efforts to welcome these customers, who make a substantial contribution to our département’s economy, in the best possible conditions. It was only logical – and a mandatory shift for the sustainability and credibility of the certification process – that it should embrace all tourism sector stakeholders.

To be perfectly honest, Galeries Lafayette had carried out substantial forward-planning as regards welcoming, and providing services to, foreigners. These initiatives were already part of the fabric of the Nice store and there were numerous systems and practices in place. They simply required pushing to centre stage and fine tuning to comply with the specifications which are, for the time being, better suited to other sectors (museums, parks, etc.). We did carry out an extra awareness-raising campaign for our staff but the foundations had already been laid down.  

Foreign customers need assurance that they will receive the recognition and services that they are entitled to expect. If the customer experience is good and meets their expectations of “The French Art of Living”, then the Qualité Tourisme™ trademark will be strengthened and will develop, just like those who display it.  

The major advantage of this certification process is that it is a trademark. As a result, it provides the guarantee of quality that one should expect from certification and also the robustness and reputation of a trademark. From now on, we will be incorporating the trademark into all our communication materials. 


Edited on 20/09/2023
